Jag tycker affischerna är väldigt starka grafiskt (tycker att de ser ut som filmaffischer på långt håll), och det är ett behjärtansvärt initiativ, som även blivit nominerat till två awards, bl.a. Best Engagement Category vid the AHC Awards. I Sverige talas det också mycket om att många, speciellt unga tjejer, mår dåligt psykiskt, kanske finns samma stigmatisering som problem även här.
Man skriver på hemsidan:
"Mental ill health takes many forms, and affects many people either for a short period, or for the whole of their lives. It is just as much a long term condition as cancer, diabetes, or heart disease. Over the coming months, OBMH will be using a poster campaign across Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire to highlight some of the common areas of stigma about mental ill health, to raise awareness and combat discrimination. The campaign will be featured on buses, in some cinemas, in the local media, and used at events and meetings. Topics will include discrimination against people with a history of mental illness when seeking a job, the use of words such as “nutter” to badge people who are mentally ill, the risks of drug, alcohol and substance misuse to those with mental health problems, and the incidence of suicide amongst people who have experienced mental illness."
The aim of the campaign is to improve understanding and tolerance, and to reduce discrimination against anyone on the basis of their mental health.
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